Chewies can be a simple solution for sensory seekers looking for oral-motor stimulation, individuals with difficulties focusing, and kiddos with school-related anxiety.
For homework hours, using a pencil-topper chewie can help them de-stress, focus, or calm down while stretching their brain for math problems.
If your kiddo particularly loves stimming on chewies, use chewie time as an incentive to help them with task completion. For example, let your kiddo know they can have a chewie after they do the dishes, finish their homework, or tidy up their bedroom.
Kiddos who are working with an OT or speech pathologist, chewies can be a great way to reinforce therapy at home. Chewies can be a way of enhancing oral motor skills by strengthening the mouth and jaw muscles.
Unlike pencils, Chewies are made of durable silicone and can be easily cleaned, which is great. Plus, you can just pop a chewie on the end of a pencil so the kiddo can refrain from gnawing on their writing tools in class. Chewies keep shirt collars out of mouths and pencils free of bite marks.
Tests can be a source of stress for kiddos, and using a Chewie as a soothing tool for an anxious kiddo might help them focus a little bit better.
For kiddos with ADHD, ADD, autism, anxiety, and the likes, it can be tough to focus in class. Chewies can work as a stim that helps children focus.
While chewies might be a great way to help facilitate calming and stimming, they aren’t a one size fits all fix. Consult your occupational therapist for advice and support regarding chewies and your child, and bear in mind that these may not be applicable solutions to all.
Shop Chew-A-Roo Chewies at eSpecial Needs!